Cheating: Why Do People Do It?

Senara Ori
2 min readApr 4, 2023

6 Quick-Read Reasons

Cheating in relationships is a complex issue with many contributing factors. Here are some of the main psychological explanations for why individuals may cheat:

  1. Relationship Dissatisfaction: One of the most common reasons people cheat is because they are unhappy in their current relationship. Whether it’s due to a lack of emotional intimacy, sexual dissatisfaction, or feeling neglected, individuals may turn to cheating as a way to fulfill their unmet needs.
  2. Thrill- Seeking Behavior: For some people, the rush of engaging in illicit behavior is what fuels their desire to cheat. They may enjoy the excitement and danger of having secret affairs.
  3. Low Self-Esteem: Individuals who struggle with low self-esteem may cheat as a way to boost their confidence and feel validated.
  4. Unresolved Childhood Trauma: Trauma experienced early in life can impact an individual’s ability to maintain healthy relationships. Some may turn to cheating as a way to cope with unresolved emotional pain.
  5. Narcissism: People with narcissistic tendencies may cheat as a way to boost their ego and prove their desirability to others.
  6. Opportunistic Behavior: Sometimes people cheat simply because the opportunity presents itself. This may be due to being in close proximity to someone they’re attracted to or experiencing a moment of weakness.

It’s worth noting that individual circumstances and underlying issues will vary from person to person, and not everyone who cheats will exhibit these specific traits. And, reasons for cheating can be a combination of the above, not one and only one trait. Therapy and honest communication with a partner can help address and overcome these issues, and prevent cheating from occurring in the first place.



Senara Ori

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